पवित्र रुद्राक्ष
असली नेपाली और जावा रुद्राक्ष की माला
शिव महापुराण
The Rudraksha as described in the Shiva Mahapurana, Vidyesvara-samhita Chapter 25 Parts 61 to 90
Panchadevapriyashchaiva sarvadevapriyastatha |
Sarvamantranjapedbhakto Rudrakshamalaya priye || 61 ||
Shiva told Parvati, "My love, any God can be worshipped with the Rudraksha which is dear to the five Gods (Panchayatan meaning Ganesha, Surya, Devi, Vishnu and Shiva) as well as other Gods.
Vishnavadidevabhaktashcha dharayeyurna samshayaha |
Rudrabhakto visheshena Rudrakshandharayetsada || 62 ||
Devotees of Vishnu and other Gods can also wear Rudraksha, there is no doubt about it. Devotees of Shiva especially have to daily wear Rudraksha.
Rudraksha vividhaha protastesham bhedanvadamyaham |
Shrinu parvati sadbhaktya bhuktimuktifalapradan || 63 ||
Hey Parvati, Rudraksha are of different types. It provides salvation. I will tell you the secrets of them. You listen carefully.
Ekavaktrah shivah sakshadbhuktimuktifalapradah |
Tasya darshanamatrena brahmahatyam vyapohati || 64 ||
Single faced Rudraksha is Shiva himself, which provides the fruits of salvation and liberation. Only its glimpse will rectify brahma-hatya.
Yatra sampujitastatra laxmirdurtara nahi |
Nashyantyupadravah sarve sarvakama bhavanti hi || 65 ||
Wherever Rudraksha is worshipped, Laxmi is never far, peace will overcome tremors and all wishes will be fulfilled.
Dvivaktro devadeveshah sarvakamafalapradah |
Visheshatah sa Rudraksho govadham nashayeddrutam || 66 ||
Two faced Rudraksha fulfills ones wishes. This is the form of Devdeveshwar. It immediately purifies the sin of killing a cow.
Trivaktro yo hi Rudrakshah sakshatsadhanadah sada |
Tatprabhavadbhaveyurvai vidhyah sarvah pratishthitah || 67 ||
Three faced Rudraksha directly delivers the fruits of sadhana. All education are distinguished by its effect.
Charturvaktrah svayam brahma narahatyam vyapohati |
Darshanatsparshanatsadyaschaturvargafalapradah || 68 ||
Four faced Rudraksha is the form of Lord Brahma. It eliminates the sin of human killing. Its darshan (glimpse) delivers the fruits of religion, wealth, sex and moksha.
Panchavaktrah svayam rudrah kala-agnir namatah prabhu |
Sarvamuktipradashchaiva sarvakamafalapradah || 69 ||
Five faced Rudraksha is the form of Lord Kala-agni Rudra. This Rudraksha delivers all liberation and fulfills all wishes.
Agamyagamanam papamabhakshayasya cha bhakshanam |
Ityadisarvapapani panchavaktro vyapohati || 70 ||
Sins arising from adultery and consuming uneatable foods are rinsed by five faced Rudraksha
Shadvaktrah kartikeyastu dharanaddakshine bhuje |
Brahmahatyadikai: papairmuchyate natra samshayah || 71 ||
Six faced Rudraksha is the form of Lord Kartikeya. This has to be worn on the right hand. There is no doubt that it rinses the sin of Brahma-hatya.
Saptavaktro maheshani hyanango nama namatah |
Dharanattasya deveshi daridropishvaro bhawet || 72 ||
Hey Parvati, the seven faced Rudraksha is the form of Ananga. Wearing this makes one God out of pauper
Rudrakshaschastavaktrashcha vasumurtishcha bhairava |
Dharanattasya purnayurmrito bhavati shulabhrit || 73 ||
Eight faced Rudraksha is the form of Asthamurthi Bhairav. Attiring this Rudraksha delivers complete life span and even after death one attains to the form of Trishuldhari Shiva
Bhairavo navavaktrashcha kapilashcha munih smritah |
Durga va tadadhishthatri navarupa maheshvari || 74 ||
Rudraksha with nine faces is said to be the form of Bhairav and Kapilamuni. Its Adhisthatri deity is Godess Durga, the devi who takes nine forms.
Tam dharayedwamahaste Rudraksham bhaktitatparah |
Sarveshvaro bhawenunam mama tulyo na samshayah || 75 ||
This nine faced Rudraksha is to be worn with respect on the left hand. There is no doubt the person who wears it will become almighty and of my level.
Dashavaktro maheshani svayam devo janardanah |
Dharanattasya deveshi sarvankamanavapnuyat || 76 ||
Hey Maheshwari, the ten faced Rudraksha is the form of Lord Janardan himself. It completes all works.
Ekadashamukho yastu Rudrakshah parmeshvari |
Sa rudro dharanattasya sarvatra vijayi bhavet || 77 ||
Hey Parameshwari, the eleven faced Rudraksha is the form of Rudra. A male attiring it will attain the qualities of Rudra and gain victory on all.
Dvadashasyam tu Rudraksham dharayetkeshadeshake |
Adityashchiva te sarve dvadashaiva sthitastatha || 78 ||
Twelve faced Rudraksha is equivalent to dwadasa-aditya, the twelve forms of the Sungod Surya. This Rudraksha is to be worn on the hair.
Trayodashamukho vishvedevastaddharanannarah |
Sarvankamanavapnoti saubhagyam mangalam labhet || 79 ||
Thirteen faced Rudraksha is the form of Vishvedeva. Person who attires this Rudraksha will have all wishes fulfilled and gain good fortune and luck.
Chaturdashamukho yo hi Rudrakshah paramah shivah |
Dharayenmurghina tam bhaktya sarvapapam pranasyati || 80 ||
Fourteen faced Rudraksha is the form of great Shiva. It should respectfully be worn on the head which will cleanse all sins.
Eti Rudrakshabheda hi proktta vai mukhabhedatah |
Tattanmantraanchhrinu pritya krama achchhaileshvara atmaje || 81 ||
Hey Parvati, daughter of Giriraj. I have described the secrets of fourteen Rudrakshas. Now you also listen to the mantras of the fourteen Rudrakshas respectively:
(1) Om hrim namah, (2) Om namah, (3) Om klim namah,
(4) Om hrim namah, (5) Om hrim namah,
(6) Om hrim hum namah, (7) Om hum namah,
(8) Om hum namah, (9) Om hrim hum namah,
(10) Om hrim namah, (11) Om hrim hum namah,
(12) Om kraum kshaum raum namah,
(13) Om hrim namah, (14) Om namah
Bhaktishraddha yutashchaiva sarvakamarthasiddhaye |
Rudrakshandharayenmantrairdevanalasya varjitah || 82 ||
Leaving behind sleep and laziness, one faced to fourteen faced Rudrakshas should be attired with the aforementioned mantras with devotion to fulfill wishes and gain wealth.
Vina mantrena yo dhatte Rudraksham bhuvi manavah |
Sa yati narakam ghoram yavadindrashchaturdasha || 83 ||
Any person, who wears the Rudraksha without mantra in this earth, will go to hell for 14 tenures of Indra or one Kalpa.
Rudrakshamalinam dristva bhootpretpishachakah |
Dakini shakini chaiva ye chanye dhrohakaraka || 84 ||
Ghosts, evil spirits, witches etc flees from the person wearing a Rudraksha.
Kritimanchaiva yatkichidabhicharadikancha yat |
Tatsarvam durato yati dristva shankitavigraham || 85 ||
Such and other artificial thoughts and deeds will also be afraid and stay at bay.
Rudrakshaamalinam dristva shivo vishnu: prasidati |
Devi ganapatih suryah surashchanyepi parvati || 86 ||
Oh Parvati, Lords Siva, Vishnu, Devi, Ganesh, Surya and other Gods also will be pleased to see a person who wears a Rudraksha
Awam gyatva tu mahatmyam Rudrakshasya maheshvari |
Samyagdharyah samantrashcha bhaktya dharmavivriddhaye || 87 ||
Oh Maheshwari, Knowing the importance of the Rudraksha, it should be worn methodically with devotion and mantras for the extension of religion.
Ityukttam girijagre hi shivena paramatmana |
BhasmaRudrakshaamahatmyam bhuktimuktifalapradam || 88 ||
Likewise the almighty Lord Shiva himself explained the greatness of the Bhasma and Rudraksha to Parvati.
Shivasyatipriyau gyeyau bhasmaRudrakshaadharinau |
Taddhamaprabhavaddhi bhuktirmuktirna samshaya || 89 ||
It has to be known that the person who wears a bhasma and Rudraksha is very dear to Lord Shiva.
BhasmaRudrakshaadhari yah shivabhaktah sa uchyate |
Panchaksharam japasaktah paripurnashcha sanmukhe || 90 ||
There is no doubt that wearing bhasma (sacred ash)
and Rudraksha (sacred beads) delivers liberation !