Sacred Rudraksha
Genuine Nepali and Java Rudraksha beads
Nine Mukhi

Nine mukhi length is 14.5mm. Aud $20. Bead only.
Indonesian 9 mukhi, our smallest bead.
Nine Mukhi

Nine mukhi length is 24.5mm Aud $85. Bead only.
Standard sized Nepali bead.
Nine Mukhi

Collector Nine mukhi length is 29mm Aud $200. Bead only.
Best and largest piece.
9 mukhi - nava mukhi rudraksha, benefits and uses of nine mukhi.
Durga is represented by this Rudraksha bead. Goddess Durga is the consort of Lord Shiva. Ideal for those who have failed starting up a new endeavor. It’s claimed the wearer of this bead, is given confidence to tackle life head on and protected from bad forces. The bead is said to also represent the sage Kapilaand Yama the God of death. Children wearing the nine faced bead get blessings from their mother.
This bead astrologically represents the planet Ketu, a malefic Ketu in their jyotish chart can create disease and detachment.
The best mantra for this bead is Om Hreem Hum.
This Nepali bead is approximately twice the price of the Indonesian beads. Most that can afford it would prefer this bead, the Indonesian variety are suitable for several beads combined together.
Navamukhi is mentioned in various ancient scriptures such as the Shiva MahaPuran (Vidyesvara Samhita) Chapter 25 part 74 where it mentions;‘A nine faced bead is alsoBhairava.Its sage is Kapila. Its presiding Goddess is Durga of nine forms, Mahesvari herself.’In Padma Puran Chapter 73 part 76:‘The nine mouthed one is called Bhairava. He, who wears this tawny Rudraksha, granter of salvation, on his arm, would be become equal to me in power. He who commits the murders of a thousand lakhs of crores, quickly burns them all by wearing a Rudraksha of nine mouths. In heaven he is always honored like Indra by gods.’ Also mentioned in Nirnayasindhu, Rudrakshajabalopanisad, and Srimaddevibhagavat. Copyright © Sacred Rudraksha.

Nava 9
Mukhi Rudraksha
Deity is Durga
Planet = Ketu.
Mantra = Om hreem hum.
Suitable for: This rudraksha is said to contain nine kinds of power, any kinds of fears can be removed including fear of death. Can be worn on the left hand. Ruled by the Goddess Durga, it is said the wearer will attain bravery and endurance and fearlessness. Also an increase in devotion and is a remover of sins. This Rudraksha is also the form of Bhairava and Kapilamuni. People in fear and under stress, increase self confidence.
Nine Mukhi

Nine mukhi length is 21.7mm. Aud $70. Bead only.
Smallest Nepali bead.
Nine Mukhi

Nine mukhi length is 18.5mm. Aud $35. Bead only.
Indonesian 9 mukhi, can be a pendant or strung in combination.
Nine Mukhi

Nine mukhi length is 17.2mm. Aud $25. Bead only.
Indonesian 9 mukhi, our smallest bead.